
How to Maintain Healthy Long Distance Relationship

How to Maintain Healthy Long Distance Relationship

Distance Matters but It’s not a Verdict

When it comes to relationships in general, it is usually impossible to state that they are simple — often they are quite complex. After all, it is quite common for relationships to not work out that well. That is why the majority of people think that long distance relationships are doomed to fail at some point. 

It is possible to easily find some tearful story about long distance relationship break up online and yes — this happens a lot. However, there’s no need to give up just because you’re separated by some distance. There are ways to maintain a healthy relationship and this article will provide you with some practical tips.

Consider this to be a small test

How to cope with long distance relationship? Well, you should create a specific mindset — this distance will become a learning journey for you as a couple. With such a perspective, it is possible to avoid the negative ideas about long distance as being a divisive factor. It’s better to view this as an opportunity to go through this experience together and create an even stronger bond.

Sounds quite simple but it works. Creating an appropriate mindset is imperative for sustaining relationships that are separated by long distance. This is great long distance relationship advice for guys and girls as well. Getting nervous and even jealous over any small thing is a thing that can happen when distance is involved — building mutual trust is what you should strive to achieve!

Communication is the Key but There are Tricks

Set some ground rules

First of all, it is imperative to set potential boundaries and ground rules. This is a simple yet basic component if you want everything to work. Without basics, you’ll have to deal with long distance relationship break up at some time. The rules have one goal — both partners have to be perfectly clear about any potential actions that can surprise the other party. 

Are you in a committed relationship? What is the level of commitment? Are you allowed to see other people? Venting through these important questions is the key to creating a ground for long-lasting relationships at distance. This way, you will be assured that your partner follows a mutually accepted set of rules, which brings calmness as well as confidence in the partner and yourself.

Regular communication is mandatory

Keeping up stable communication is one of the imperative principles of a stable relationship, which is especially applicable to those divided by distance. Being able to have chats or talk via video calls is a must for any couple. Distance makes things slightly more complex but our technology allows meaningful communication even on different continents. 

The best thing to do is to talk about what is happening in each others’ lives, even if some things may seem to be quite mundane and boring. Putting a little creativity won’t hurt either — technologies allow sharing videos, photos, and audio messages. There’s virtually no reason not to take advantage of these benefits!

Excessive communication is bad

This may sound counter-logical to the previous part but it’s true. See, there is a limit that should not be surpassed. Excessive communication can be considered negative for a number of reasons. If you try to stay connected for a whole day, your partner might consider you as possessive and sticky. This may freak out anyone. 

So, maintaining balance in communication is one of the keys when it comes to how to cope with long distance relationship. It’s not about being together online all the time. A fruitful long-distance communication lies in the ability to be smart as well as poking and teasing each other at the right time. 

Honesty is the key

There are things that can be easily considered dangerous when seen through the perspective of a relationship that is going through long distances. For example, you are invited to hang out with friends, go to a club, or have a drink with someone. These sorts of events will inevitably put your partner under stress as they will be worried, jealous, or even suspicious.

Long distance relationship break up is usually caused by the lack of honesty that leads to conflicts. These conflicts are further deepened by the distance between partners. That is why there are two options: either you don’t do it at all or reassure your partner by telling in advance. It’s important to understand that a partner is highly unlikely willing to manipulate you — it’s about keeping mutual integrity.

Sharing Hobbies Works Lovely

Try doing something together

This is a no-brainer. Doing anything together is a great way to bond despite long distances. There are lots of things to do:

  • Play online video games;
  • Listen to podcasts or watch YouTube videos together;
  • Go out “virtually” while having a conversation via video chat;
  • Buy each other gifts online.
  • Have an online wine tasting evening

All these small things are great if you’re thinking about how to cope with long distance relationship. Couple this approach with creativity and spontaneousness and you have a great relationship going on.

Make a Meaningful Present

Making a personal present can become yet another bonding factor for both partners. This is great long distance relationship advice for guys and girls as presenting your significant other with a personalized gift is like a memento for your partner. Presenting something symbolic and important is a great way to bond together.

Make recommendation lists

Similar to the previous tip but different. The thing is — make an agreement to create a list of recommended literature, movies, series, and other stuff for each other. This way, you’ll have more things in common and more stuff to talk about. After all, bonding through the commonly shared interests and events is fascinating!

Personalized Touch

Consider using pet names

It might sound dumb but the use of pet names is effective. Why? Because it’s cute, nothing more. The use of pet names is a great way to differentiate your partner from those around you. A great way to cope with long distance relationship.

There’s another trick — talking dirty. Sexual desire works as a sort of additional bonding component that keeps the partners from drifting their own ways. Sexual behavior is not only physical — but it is also emotional. That is why dirty talk might play a great role in your communication and help out when it comes to how to cope with long distance relationship.

Don’t Forget to Visit Each Other

When it comes to a relationship at a long distance, visiting each other seems like a holiday. That is why meeting each other in person is so important. All the waiting and yearning can finally result in holding hands, talking in person, and so on. Personal meetings will feel like some sort of New Year firework for you both!

Final Thoughts

All-in-all, relationships that are complicated by distance tend to end up bad. You can find a way to deal with long distance relationship break up pretty easily. However, there are numerous methods for maintaining such a bond and even strengthening it! This article can be a perfect guideline for guys and girls who are in long distance relationships and want to keep them.

The whole situation should be viewed positively, as a small test. If you are able to sustain a long distance relationship, you are truly meant to be together. That is why seeing the situation as a test of your patience, empathy, and cleverness is a great way to keep on going. Yes, people tend to think of these sorts of relationships as doomed ones but that’s not the case when both sides commit to them!

Communication plays the most important role in the whole thing. You should be able to communicate regularly but don’t forget about personal boundaries. Being annoying and possessive is destructive! That’s why finding that perfect balance is imperative for any long distance relationship. There’s no established formula — it all depends on the partners and their habits.

"Sharing is caring"

— it’s a fact. That is why being able to share activities and recommend stuff to each other works so well. The same statement is true to presents. Long distance advice for guys and girls — make a personalized present to your significant other; it doesn’t have to be expensive or whatsoever. Meaning and attention are important.

A personalized touch is mandatory for any sort of relationship despite the distance. So, pet names and dirty talks will work great. After all, sexual energy is one of the crucial things keeping partners together — it is irresponsible to ignore this part of intimate life.

The final part is personal contact. Yes, you are in a long distance relationship but that doesn’t mean that you cannot use an opportunity to see each other when possible. These events will enhance your bond and give even more meaning to the relationship as a whole. Staying together while apart is what makes long distance relationships work.

Posted on: Feb 1, 2021Author: Administrator